Saturday, August 19, 2023

the “how saintly test”

how saintly?


+this is how saintly, not how good or something like that. thus, it is extremely difficult for one to be rated highly

+saintly (def.) - very holy, divine, or virtuous, greatly helping others

+percentages are guesses

+can be seen with the “how wild test

+personal example: i consider myself between a 3 and 4 (sometimes 2 (or less), sometimes even 5). if i am to get married, i imagine i'd drop to a 3 at best, and my wife may have expectations of me to be more around a 2 (or even 1).. unless😄!

+my guru, dr. narayan savant, must have been a 6 or 7

0 - pure hedonistic and always doing everything for only self gain/happiness (~5%)

1 - very self-centered and will only help others if getting something in return (10%)

2 - many people who are self-centered and sometimes help others (40%)

3 - a lot of people who have a good balance of doing good for others and for themselves too (30%)

4 - more noble, almost saintly people who we look up to (10%)

5 - the noblest, more saintly people (<5%)

6 - one who is often saintly (<1%)

7 - one who is saintly almost all the time (<.1%)

8 - one who actually lives like a saint, always doing for others, but the world is yet to recognize them in the all-saints hall of fame (<.00001%)

9 - actual saints that people have rightly recognized (<.0000001%)

10 - the handful of greatest saints ever, like jesus christ, sai baba,

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