Monday, August 21, 2023

When an autocracy (like a king/queen ruler) is better than a democracy

*note: a plutocracy (rule by the “wealthy”) may be considered an intermediate (see “rulers” in the 4 score) to the extremes ideals of autocracy and democracy. though in today’s society, wealth seems to be largely misguided or not valuing the real best interest of the current and long-term interest of all humans (and nonhumans)  in society, one can imagine with better/appropriate notions of value/money, wealth can be much more deserved/respected by all (“wealth” like sai baba speaks of hyr). also, see associated news article category here.

example in context: Sadhguru gives an example of modern India's cultural fit of less conducive to a bottom-up ("0") than a top-down ("5"). Maybe a 3 or 4.

5- god knows (and like “divine rule”) when the people are actually very  ignorant of what is truly best for them, and especially have a false confidence in their misguided beliefs that can cause societal illness to spread even more

4-  when (some of) the people (sometimes) do know what it takes for - or when they (sometimes) behave toward - a good society, and having the leadership of (a) righteous/wise ruler(s) will be of great help toward that end

3- not as ideal as 4, but getting there (or, going toward 2?)

2- not as ideal as 1, but getting there (or, going toward 3?)

1- in the real world that will have problems, when the people are fortunately knowing (from external authority, like science for example) of what needs to be done for a healthy, uplifted, beautiful society, and actually are (enabled to (from external authority, like government for example) doing right actions such that that beauty is evident

0- in an ideal world where everybody is perfect citizens that live perfectly and there is no need for any external government as everybody is wise enough to be as a king/queen in their own world

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