Tuesday, February 13, 2024

A ranking (1-5) for environmental protection groups

note: from this 1-5 rating for groups that are to protect the environment, the Cal EPA seems to currently be around a 3.  This current situation of several Republican states pushing back against the US EPA's stricter air/soot pollution laws seems indicative of where the US currently is in environmental protection ~2.5.

5 - holistic responsibility - takes responsibility both domestically and in responsible foreign trading/importing (like the EU’s ban intends to do, the Global Commons Sustainability Index assessment that includes "spillover" impacts or the Country Overshoot Days score, avoiding a delusional city that has crossed the carrying capacity limit). most developmended. beyond this + consider very, god-like/karmic-level responsibility (like the responsibility related news category, or the ecological baseline)

4 - domestic focus - realizes the problems mentioned in 3 below, and tackles them, taking full responsibility domestically (like the California 30X30 initiative aims for, the (less holistic, outdated) EPI was to assess, with the corresponding irresponsibility exporting its toxic waste/harm, like this for example)). starting to developmend. can have problems (such as "fortress conservation" for examples, and the key may be to find the right balance, between livelihood/extraction and conservation, for examples)

3 - good intentioned, but faulty foundation - tries to transition business with expansive goal of healthy/balanced ecosystem (or even ecosystem services) for example, but still fundamental problems and conflicting values in overly powerful, misguided Economy results in Problematic Problem Solving. typical of a liberal democrat or progressive in the US.

2 - human-centric/imbalanced - aligned with or allows business-as-usual economy but tries to protect the environment some (usually for selfish human purposes). typical of a conservative republican in the US.

1 - failing - not only domestically destructive, but also exports the destruction to foreign trade

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