what kind of media content do you consume?
1 - i get high as much as i can find time for, and occasionally real, relevant content
2 - about 50/50, i sometimes get high with it, sometimes use it for real things
3 - mostly for real things, but i like to use it for fictional, entertainment purposes too once in a while
4 - nearly exclusively practical/actionable content (to assist me in our crazy world)
5 - what’s media content?.. phone/device?.. oh, no, i’m (fortunate enough to be) living with the actual world
*fictions or facts? reality based experience/consumption with spectrum from virtual use that is unreal like a fantasy world (can be for getting high off media content too), to real use, for accurate information/knowledge of our shared reality, (can be real-world, live content like how sadhguru directs us to (some example videos here)), which seems to approximate one’s potential social contribution too)
*scale parallel to G.P.A.? it seems to be for me
(supplement add December 7, 2024)
how live,
in the moment,
& with sense of place are you?
0 - like the crazy mad secondary research scientist in their underground/batcave laboratory working away while getting everything delivered to them by too-modern society (almost like a prisoner if it weren’t for their choice) <sometimes though, it can help others out of it>
1 - like a research scientist who works the usual 9 to 5 job, one who participates in (too-)much weblife activity
2 - like the average person in today’s (over)developed, imbalanced, reality-abstracted modern industrialized society doing the usual job that involves some less present duties, and some more present duties+
3 - like the more intuitive, gut-feel person (usually more aligned with their body(’s needs)) that is also part of the less-present society, but may have difficulties if not with the proper knowledge or in a conducive environment++ to be fully healthy, achieve their full potentials, and away from the sicknesses of the modern society that prevent this
4 - like either those more enabled to be present as they are in a conducive environment, however feel a connection/calling to help those that aren’t, or in some way need to interact with the society that is not as present... or they are in the society that is not as present and they make efforts to be more present, whether better for personal health (like (advanced) inner work (for example) can help with) or unhealthy (like getting high, with drugs, alcohol, cigarettes, sex, porn, inappropriate behaviors like not using an "indoor voice" when indoors, etc.)
5 - like those that are all the time, and it’s easy because they live in a conducive environment for this
+about duties being present or not, examples of more present duties would include stilldigenous work, local-oriented work, most physical/labor work,, while examples of less present duties would include those examples from 0 & 1, a history teacher, a vehicle driver, abstract-related work (eg paper/office work), I.T.-related work, etc.
++”conducive environment” varies for different people, but likely based on some main considerations/factors, like one’s: awareness beyond the present, ability for basic survival (that's with the lower-chakras energy), ease to just be (without needing to escape from the present), and one’s samskar
note - (like the Growing Your Own Food blog) this should also be “taken with a grain of salt” when thinking of the ideas corresponding to a score, as a specific example was chosen for a given score, and a part(s) of an example can be more placed on another level (given other pertinent changes to it). again, ideas can be thought of as more insights in themselves.
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