Tuesday, October 11, 2022

In-/stilldigenous, identity politics, interests, in protection of nature? I Derrick Jensen

Derrick Jensen (and his primary contribution really, can be seen to) reinforce the need for people to help conserve/protect nature (YouTube video) (especially given the imbalance in protection of various human (identity) interests over non-human life, or biodiversity interests (as Lierre Keith has also expressed well))

Who is looking out for nature? And it's not as if nature has to be looked out for, but when we humans are knowingly or not contributing to its destruction at an excessive/imbalanced, large/industrial scale, then.. shouldn't we also be preventing such destructive human activity?.

~ Columbus..indigenous people's day (and sometimes indigenous may still not be having a way of life that is in good balance, harmony with nature as we expect of them or us.. for examples the news article category, "May be “Indigenous,” “Traditional,” “native,” “tribal,” etc. oppressed we’re to support, but beyond label or identity, actually unsustainable, destructive, disappointing expectations," or Derrick's words from the video above, or George Wuerthener's on-point discussion in this podcast)

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