Friday, November 18, 2022

working for Amazon I ends justify means?

with my current difficult situation*, i could lie/justify to myself that i’m helping the environment by working at Amazon (a company who really does try to do what they can; what they know is right, including things that really are right/needed, like financing/supporting nature-based solutions (see pages 18 & 19), which of course has to include some protecting of the actual Amazon rainforest!), but mostly what i’m doing in my delivery of packages is supporting the continuation of excessive consumption of an ill, ecologically imbalanced, misguided society/culture 😔, god knows 🙏

*like the example of “stilldigenous” that starts with "Indigenous people (if still alive, sadly) usually have a great track record..."

Tuesday, October 11, 2022

In-/stilldigenous, identity politics, interests, in protection of nature? I Derrick Jensen

Derrick Jensen (and his primary contribution really, can be seen to) reinforce the need for people to help conserve/protect nature (YouTube video) (especially given the imbalance in protection of various human (identity) interests over non-human life, or biodiversity interests (as Lierre Keith has also expressed well))

Who is looking out for nature? And it's not as if nature has to be looked out for, but when we humans are knowingly or not contributing to its destruction at an excessive/imbalanced, large/industrial scale, then.. shouldn't we also be preventing such destructive human activity?.

~ Columbus..indigenous people's day (and sometimes indigenous may still not be having a way of life that is in good balance, harmony with nature as we expect of them or us.. for examples the news article category, "May be “Indigenous,” “Traditional,” “native,” “tribal,” etc. oppressed we’re to support, but beyond label or identity, actually unsustainable, destructive, disappointing expectations," or Derrick's words from the video above, or George Wuerthener's on-point discussion in this podcast)

Thursday, August 11, 2022

Growing Your Own Food (0-10 scoring)


  • the main consideration may be as expressed in 7, that if there was greater cooperation from the rest of (the dominant) society, like setting up space for it, really incentivizing it, etc., then this would be much easier for people to score higher
  • be flexible when thinking of the ideas corresponding to a score, as sometimes there may be good ideas that can be implied they are also being done in other/higher scores, or ideas can be thought of as more insights in themselves than exact correspondence to a score.
  • for more in-depth context, see meaning of "self-sufficient way of life" (or contrarily, the virus-/pest-like, "city")
  • of course not everybody in the society has to be involved in food growing, as exchange of all our various contributions (in direct trade or more abstract "money") is a nearly inherent aspect of how society functions


and another simple way to think about it

0 not at all, i buy food with money i earn 😎

1 uh, yeah, i have a container pot or two (like chillie, aloe vera, herbs, or other pop gardening plants)

2 a little bit like a side hobby, but i could spend more time/effort on it

3 i make it a hobby, have a decent garden given my busy schedule

4 i’m really into gardening, and grow quite a lot (at least ~25%) of my own food

5 i’m really into these needed local/slow food movements, have a plot at the neighborhood garden, etc.

6 5, and additionally i grow over half of my own food! and am actually active in those movements!

7 i grow a lot of my own food (nearly 75%), but given a more forward-thinking society, would be a 9 at least

8 i grow most of my own food (~75%!), and otherwise buy some things from the most responsible, ecological, and ethical markets

9 i am quite principled, grow almost all my own food, and otherwise trade with my (yogic) local neighbors totally independent of the industrial civilization / food system monster

10 i grow 100% of my own food, ecologically, improving the envt., save seed, aim to be a demonstration for others to learn, and even share some surplus! 🏆